APPLICATION OF THE WHO’s ICF FRAMEWORK IN APHASIA, Dobrinka Georgieva, Scott Yaruss, Gregory Spray, Dimitar Delyiski, Dobrinka Kalpachka

Abstract: Introduction: Last two decade there has been increased interest in the application
of the ICF health classification to Speech-Language Pathology. The WHO’s multifunctional
health framework, known as the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and
Health (ICF), guides the provision of speech and language services to patients with aphasia,
addressing their physical and functional disabilities as well as their participation in daily
life activities. Purpose: To present a conceptual, contemporary and evidence-based model of
aphasia within the context of Medical Speech-Language Pathology (MSLP).
Method: Theoretical and comparative analysis of the ICF model in aphasia, applied
regarding 85 meta-analysis articles published in Web of Science journals. Results and
discussion: MSLP includes reliable evidence-based clinical instruments for health
management of aphasia cases after stroke. The review of meta-analysis articles provides a
description of (i) assessment and differential diagnostics instruments for functional
communication in aphasia; (ii) interventions regarding the planning process (including the
level of the body function); (iii) interventions regarding the limitation of activities and
participation in daily life; (iv) interventions focused on reducing the existing barriers and
stimulating communicative support, and (v) quality of life measurement in aphasia
patients. Conclusion: The WHO ICF model provides a valuable conceptual and adaptive
framework in MSLP, which seeks to clarify the dependence of the patients with aphasia on
different contextual factors. ICF model is providing an effective scientific-based therapies in
aphasia cases.
Key words: aphasia, ICF, WHO, Medical Speech-Language Pathology

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