COCHLEAR IMPLANT IN CHILDREN, Gabriela Karaboicheva, Tsvetelina Grigorova

Abstract: Introduction. In the developed report we will consider cochlear implantation as a 
method in newborns and children. Newborn babies with severe hearing loss are diagnosed 
through universal hearing screening. After examination and confirmation of the diagnosis, 
these children, as well as the older ones, are given the opportunity to undergo cochlear 
Aim. We will look in more detail at the symptoms, diagnostic methods and risk factors that 
could lead to hearing loss in these children. For this purpose we have made a thorough study 
of Bulgarian and world literary sources. Material and methods. We made a thorough review 
of the literature database of Bulgarian and world sources on the topic – Cochlear implantation 
in children. We also used clinical experience of using this type of hearing aid in the ENT ward 
of UMBAL Burgas. It was established that this is a method of choice worldwide for treatment 
of congenital and acquired deafness. Results. According to the scientific publications and the 
clinical experience the implantation of children under 2 years old has given the best results. It 
is common to be made bilateral cochlear implantation in children with congenital deafness with 
short period between the surgeries for maximal clinical outcome and social adaptation.It is a 
benefit if children suitable for an implant with acquired deafness already have developed 
speech. Conclusions. An important feature is to determine the risk before cochlear 
implantation in children, which is important for doctors. Also, the development of the mastoid 
as well as the size of the skull are essential for the upcoming surgery. Cochlear implantation is 
the method of choice for children with congenital deafness for their social adaptation.
Keywords: cochlear implantation, children, deafness, operation, improve hearing 

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