Abstract: Introduction: In the last 2 years, the whole world has been facing the challenge of 
the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic is a great challenge for everyone as the lifestyle and 
the work habits have changed tremendously. The teachers face many challenges in their work 
environment on a daily basis - first moving entirely to a remote work environment and then to 
a hybrid. This fact leads to a change in the risk factors in the workplace and, accordingly, in 
the structure of morbidity among teachers.
Objective: To make a comparative analysis of morbidity among school staff before and during 
the COVID - 19 pandemic.
Material and methods: A documentary method was used. The study was conducted on the basis 
of data from health analyzes for temporary incapacity for work - from hospital sheets, and 
examined are employees in 3 schools for 3 years - 2019-2021.
Results: There is an increase in the frequency of both employees with temporary incapacity for 
work and cases of temporary incapacity for work with each passing year for the all three 
schools. The frequency of temporary incapacity for work has also increased significantly with 
each passing year. The cases of viral infections is also increasing, and the average duration of 
the hospital sheet is significantly higher in a pandemic for the three schools.
Conclusions: Working in a pandemic environment is a serious challenge among teachers. 
There is a clear increase in morbidity among them. For this reason, the necessary anti-epidemic 
measures have been introduced, as well as distance learning depending on the levels of 
morbidity in the country.
Key words: teachers, morbidity analysis, pandemic, preventive measures

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