DIGITAL HEALTH TRENDS IN 2021, Vladimir Gonchev

Summary: Introduction: Innovations in digital health instruments, including mobile health 
applications and wearable sensors, give new hope for health management. They are related to the 
improvement of human health, the introduction of new approaches to health management and the 
development of human data science. Many types of digital health tools have contributed to 
mitigating the impact of the pandemic and are now an established part of the digital health 
Objective: The aim of this research article is to review digital health innovations and to trace their 
trends in medical and healthcare applications from the perspective of COVID 19.
Materials and methods, Source of information: Searched in the databases of Google, Google 
Scholar, Medscape, Webmed, Medline, Linkedin, Twitter by keywords: digital health, 
telemedicine, artificial intelligence
Results and Conclusion: Accelerating innovation in digital health tools has led to the rapid 
introduction of mobile health-related applications. They are becoming an entirely new therapeutic 
form along with traditional medicines and medical devices. There is compelling evidence that the 
inclusion of digital health tools is relevant to the treatment of an extended range of health 
conditions. These include cardiovascular applications for screening for atrial fibrillation and 
cardiac arrhythmias, CHF management, cardiac rehabilitation, and hypertension; use related to 
behavioral changes for drug management, exercise, healthy eating and weight management, and 
smoking cessation; management of some chronic conditions related to pain and infectious and 
parasitic diseases, including HIV / AIDS.
Key words: digital health, telemedicine, artificial intelligence, COVID 19

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