Abstract: The definition of risk in a healthcare organization and its impact on the health 
phenomenon determines the risky approach of management and behavior of subjects. 
Preventable events are used as a measure of problems in individual sectors, in the organization 
of work, which also determines the behavior of managers at various hierarchical levels. These 
are events that will not occur if there is no strong impact of the factor or gaps in the standard 
medical interventions or diagnostic and treatment activities and care.
The analysis of the inspections carried out by the regulatory authorities identified a number 
of uncertainties regarding the causes and facts that led to the occurrence of incidents in 
obstetric practice, primarily related to pregnancy, childbirth and the first care of a newborn.
These events can vary depending on the level of urgency, the readiness of medical specialists 
to master and manage the problem, the accompanying circumstances and concomitant 
pathology, not least the behavior of the subjects themselves. The last year and a half have 
further revealed the shortcomings of the sector and asked many questions to the legislative 
authorities and control bodies. 
Conducting obstetric care requires a continuous audit of activities, compliance with the 
prescribed rules for all possible and rare situations, in accordance with the established 
guidelines and rules of conduct of leading organizations in the field, in accordance with the 
legislation defining medical practice.
Key words: risk, obstetrics, responsibilities, audit, quality

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