Abstract: Over the past few decades, multidrug resistance has become an increasingly 
serious cause for concern and one of the most important current threats to public health 
worldwide. Multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria are commonly associated with nosocomial 
infections because they are easily retained and spread in the hospital environment, especially 
in intensive care clinics. However, some of them are common causes of community-acquired 
infections. Infections caused by MDR pathogens are increasingly difficult to treat with 
commonly used antibiotics, which is associated with increased morbidity, increased health 
care costs, limited treatment options, prolonged hospital stay and, in some cases, increased 
mortality. Objective: A review of current trends in multidrug-resistant bacteria and current 
treatment guidelines and a look at new antimicrobials and alternatives, as well as future 
considerations for combating antibiotic resistance on a global scale. Materials and methods: 
systematic review and analysis of scientific literature. Results and Conclusions: Multidrugresistant bacteria are an important threat to public health, an outstanding challenge for 
therapeutic models. Further research, development and validation of rapid and reliable
diagnostic techniques to identify resistance patterns are urgently needed to select best 
approaches and practices for the prevention and control of MDR infections. It is also 
necessary to study the role of new antimicrobial agents in the fight against multi-resistant 
pathogens, which would facilitate therapeutic options. Preventing the further spread of MDR 
bacteria, both in the community and in the hospital environment, remains one of the most 
important strategies to deal with these pathogens and requires a multidisciplinary approach 
and collaborative action at the global level.
Keywords: multidrug resistant bacteria, antimicrobial resistance, nosocomial infections

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