Abstract: The majority of mammary neoplasms are benign; however, these have high 
potential for malignancy. The purpose of the development is to present thermodermography 
as a possibility for early diagnosis of mammary gland neoplasms, including breast cancer. 
Materials and methods: A documentary method was used. A review of the publications with 
information on the principle of operation and the experience of doctors from Poland in the 
implementation of thermodermography was made. Results: Thermodiagnosis is based on the 
thermal radiation in the invisible infrared spectrum, which is normal for the human body. 
German scientists prove that the method shows functional changes before the malignant 
tumor begins to develop. The Braster Pro system is a matrix of a thin layer of liquid crystal 
emulsion. When touched, a color image appears representing the temperature distribution in 
the internal breast tissue. We judge the effectiveness by the studies of Polish doctors 
conducted in 2013-2016, in 4016 women with confirmed symptoms of breast pathology. 72% 
sensitivity and specificity have been demonstrated, as well as good diagnostic efficacy in 
women under 50, high frequency of detection of changes in a high degree of proliferation, and 
improved sensitivity up to 96% when combining thermodermography with mammography. 
Conclusions: The examination is safe, painless and it quickly detects minimum changes, and 
is suitable for all women, regardless of age, size and structure of their breast tissue. When 
combined with mammography or ultrasound, the accuracy and efficiency of screening 
diagnostics are increased.
Keywords: contact thermography, breast cancer

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